Background Information

Realising Education for Development (READ) is a local Tanzania legal registered non-government organization with registration number 00NGO/00007722. The organisation exist as a product of READ International which began its life in 2004 founded by a group of socially entrepreneurial students led by Rob Willison following a ‘gap year’ teaching in Tanzania

Realising Education for Development is a Charity that aims at improving the quality of education in Tanzania, with clear focus to ensure the Government schools’ environment is conducive and supports learning and teaching. To attain that; we create well-arranged and furnished libraries equipped with local published books including; text books, fiction and non-fiction books. We build the capacity of teachers to apply advanced teaching methodologies and technics to help students improve literacy. We empower students through reading clubs for them to become good reader, self-independent readers with improved self-esteem for their life prosperity. We provide e learning for the students and teachers to be effective and powerful, as well as to make information easy to grasp and absorb so that students and teachers are imparted with enhanced ability to learn and implement among the learners.

Our Vision

We want to see; A generation of knowledgeable, skilled with self-esteems young people, boys and girls contributing to their household, national and global development

Our Mission

To contribute to the improvement of the quality of education in public schools through creation of friendly learning environment, access to teaching-learning materials and facilitate skills development, coaching and mentorship programme among youth (boys and girls).

Our Values

1. Integrity
2. Respect
3. Quality
4. Accountability
5. Transparency
6. Result Oriented
7. Teamwork

How You Can Help

This is an ongoing effort that could greatly benefit from your contribution. Whether you choose to Donate, Volunteer or help in any other way, we will truly appreciate it. Realizing Education for Development is dedicated to ensuring that the quality of education continues to improve and is made accessible to the youth of Tanzania.