Library Establishment and Refurbishment Program
We transform unused, rundown spaces into well-organized and engaging libraries and construct new libraries in schools with no room to change into a library. The library is equipped with books and other reading resources to support learning and teaching. Students are then trained on how to use and manage the library independently under minimal supervision from librarians or teachers. Since we started to date we have created over172 libraries for schools in Tanzania.
Literacy Development and Reading Promotion Program
In order to maximize the efficiency of the created library, this program focus on reading promotion through establishment of the school-running literacy activities such as reading clubs. The objective is to promote reading culture among students and teachers, increase their self-esteem, promote independent reading and improve their comprehension and fluency.
Students engaging in this program are now able to speak fluently and understand what they read from books or any other reading materials. They are also able to understand what their teachers teach in class and effectively use text books to improve their performance.
We recruit students to become clubs members, train them on strategies to improve their reading skills and improve their leadership skills. We also create good relationship between teachers (club guardian) and students (club members) and insure maximum support to the club members on becoming reading champions in schools and promote reading culture. To date we have a total number of 79,758 students in our reading clubs in 172 schools.
Teacher’s Professional Development Program
We train teachers on reading promotion and techniques to improve literacy in schools, the use of textbooks in class, and library management for schools with no librarian. We also train them on the application of the advanced teaching methodologies (pedagogical skills) which employs a learner centered approach. Since we started to date we have empowered 1,121 teachers in 172 schools.
E-Learning Program
One of the biggest advantage of E-learning platforms is that they provide updated content. In these modern times, E-learning assists school communities to harmonize with the world and keeps them at required momentum.
The SOMA CONNECT project we offer technology equipments and soft skills regarding basic computer knowledge, easy access to online and offline educational related reading resources including books, learning audios and videos and other reference reading materials. In this platform, students and teachers are also supported on easy access of Tanzania Institute of Education e-library platform through computers provided, skills developed and access to internet.
We offer a platform where students and teachers from different schools engage in exchanging their expertise as well as their skills and knowledge related to reading literacy and this creates a strong learning system networking among schools that improve learning and teaching. To date we have 30 schools in Tanzania which have benefited from this project.
Volunteer Mentorship Program
All of our libraries and reading programs are done by Tanzanian university students whose capacities are built by professionals to do the projects. Students from schools in our targeted group get motivated and inspired by being together with University students during the implementation of the activities.
University students engaging in our programs are practically being empowered through giving back to the community and on job related skills where they practice communication skills, team work skills, project management, financial management and community driven approach for project success.
Through this project, University students are then supported to access jobs through volunteer and internship programs at READ and to our partners. We also provide them with proper connection to available entrepreneurship opportunities through our partners and network.
Since 2015 to date, we have recruited over 613 University students in our projects, and for those who already got decent jobs (both self-employment and formal employment), have remained as READ good will ambassadors in their regions while for those still in the college supports lots of reading related programs in their communities, as Social Return on Investment SRO).